Wednesday, 21 July 2010

It Could Be Worse...

After years of working hard to reach this point, I now work for myself as a freelance writer. I took a huge leap of faith to get here, and I have come further than I had hoped I might. It's been an exciting and rewarding period of my life.

The time has now come, however, for me to go back to a day job in addition to my writing. I've got the proverbial ball rolling, and now I need to keep it going while still paying the rent. Unfortunately, the search for a sub editor/copywriter or similar journalistic/media role has been extremely difficult in a competitive industry where demand well exceeds opportunity. Lately I have found the effort poured into my applications is wearing me down. My confidence has taken a knock, and I feel stuck in a financial and motivational rut.

So it was rather refreshing to come across an email from my last major non-media role, back when I was a receptionist/secretary/office lackey. Those were the days when the idea of being commissioned to write an article seemed like an impossible dream. Any career frustrations I might be suffering from right now seem tiny in comparison to the real, scream-into-a-pillow career rut I was in back then.

This email represents a typical day in my old career life.
It might just be the best dose of perspective I could ever get.

* This is a real email; names of all but myself have been changed


From: Jones,Steve
Sent: 24 October 2007 13:29
To: Morris, Audrey
Cc: Jackson, Tim
Subject: Gents toilets

Dear Audrey

I would be grateful if you send round a plumber to fix the Gents toilets. It would appear that some members of staff are having problems flushing them which leads to unpleasant surprises on a daily basis.

Thanks very much.
Please feel free to contact me should you need any assistance.

With kind regards

Yours sincerely
Steve Jones

Corporate Finance


From: Morris, Audrey
Sent: 24 October 2007 13:37
To: Jones, Steve; Nelson, Claire
Cc: Jackson, Tim
Subject: RE: Gents toilets

The toilets are maintained by the landlord and any problems should be reported immediately to the help desk. Claire please do this now.


From: Nelson, Claire
Sent: 24 October 2007 13:42
To: Morris, Audrey; Jones, Steve
Cc: Jackson, Tim
Subject: RE: Gents toilets

Hi Audrey,

I have actually reported this twice recently (the previous time was just last week).

However, on both occasions after repairmen have come to take a look, I was told by facilities that the flushes do work, but that they take a couple of seconds to flush when you hold them down. Apparently as they are not actually faulty, they are not replacing them.

However, I can speak to them again.



From: Morris, Audrey
Sent: 24 October 2007 13:44
To: Nelson, Claire; Jones,Steve
Cc: Jackson, Tim
Subject: RE: Gents toilets

Please explain the problem to them in detail so they can properly resolve it.

If special instructions on flushing are necessary, they should be clearly posted for users...


From: Nelson, Claire
Sent: 24 October 2007 13:53
To: Morris, Audrey; Jones, Steve
Cc: Jackson, Tim
Subject: RE: Gents toilets

I have explained this to them thoroughly Audrey, and apparently it is just a matter of holding the flush down.

But as I said I will talk to them again and push the matter toward a better resolution if I can.



  1. The one thing I remember vividly about my last job (apart from the suicidal tendencies and dunderhead colleagues) is an email about a floater in the gents loos (sorry for the detail). It happened during my final week there and it all seemed so apposite.

  2. I'm about to leave my job due to health (bad back) and other reasons. Soon I will be trying to make it freelance or whatever comes up. I have done all sorts of jobs, and believe that keeping hold of old emails like this is indeed healthy. "scream-into-a-pillow career rut" are the exact words to explain such feelings on a daily basis. Quoting Semi Precious Weapons "I can't pay my rent but I'm f***ing gorgeous"

  3. This is currently the kind of situation I am in... sitting at my desk, festering over the banality of office politics... once uni is over and done with and i can quit my secretary job i won't have to listen to people whinge about the printer not working/dirty dishes in the sink/who stole the good holepunch.. delete as necessary, but repeat ALL fifty times a day!!!


  4. I have to remind myself of the hideous elements of my last job - I was an editor at a careers publisher. It taught me a lot of things but after four years I was at breaking point. I got rheumatoid arthritis and could hardly walk but still didn't take any time off work as I had so much on.

    The final straw was after I got back from a holiday with my mum (my dad left her and moved to Thailand after 35 years of marriage. The holiday was already booked). I was having the worst year of my life and after the total joy of being away in the Caribbean, returning to work made me feel utterly desolate. I quit within a fortnight, left my rental house and the city where I lived and moved back home. It's not all gone to plan (and still isn't) but I look back and know I made the only decision I could make at the time.

    You did the right thing and everything will fall into place - sooner or later. I know it's hard to have faith sometimes and I do often wish my skills lay elsewhere!

    PS Someone once pooed on the floor of the ladies loos at my old place. It had to be picked up and removed (not by me thank god). An email was sent. I wish to god I'd kept it! What is WRONG with these people?!

  5. Alternating between free-lance work and short-term contracts working for others, I've had the opportunity to be involved in some rather humerous (though unintentionally) email exchanges and office memos.

    My favourite was an email sent by the President of the institution to all staff. It read:
    "It has recently come to my intention that some members of staff have been interfering with the groundhog population on site. Groundhogs are not pets nor playthings. Any staff person found interfering with a grounhog will recieve a warning and will be sent home for the day. Repeat offenders and those found harbouring groundhogs in their offices will recieve a week's unpaid suspension. Finally, I would like to remind staff that there is a $125 fine according to bylaw 816204-H for bringing wild animals into domestic settings. Please refrain from bringing the groundhogs home, or the authorities will be notified.
    Please join us in the lunchroom at 2pm to wish Mary a happy retirement. Sincerely xPresidentx"

  6. I came across your blog a while back and have been reading it ever since (not quite sure how I found it, looking back - just one of those things you stumble across while bored at work!). I don't really have anything productive to say, but just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading it and long may it continue!

